Workshop on Meta-modelling and Ontologies

WoMM 2006        2nd International WoMM Workshop

October 12-13, 2006         Karlsruhe, Germany

In cooperation with GI SIG MoBIS, GI SIG KM, KnowledgeWeb, Graduate School IME, Sekt and MetaCase.

Previous Workshops
Organisation Committee
Programme Committee
Important Dates


Programme - The workshop will take place at the University of Karlsruhe, building 11.40

To ensure a creative atmosphere during the workshop, the participants are selected based on their submitted papers, posing important issues to be presented and discussed at the workshop. The workshop will consist of short presentations followed by discussions about the goals of the workshop: bringing together researchers and practitioners from the field of meta-modelling as well as ontologies. In order to obtain an intensive exchange of ideas between the participants, there will be left extensive time for discussion.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Registration starting at 11:00

Session 1 - Opening WoMM 2006 (14:00 - 15:15)

  • Opening word by York Sure, Chair of WoMM 2006
  • Keynote by Prof. Brian Henderson-Sellers (University of Technology, Sydney): On the Ease of Extending a Powertype-Based Methodology Metamodel

Coffee Break (15:15 - 15:45)

Session 2 (15:45 - 16:45)

  • Christoph Rosenkranz, Roland Holten: An Ontology for the Conceptual Modeling of Visualization and Presentation in Management Information Systems
  • Colin Atkinson, Matthias Gutheil, Kilian Kiko: On the Relationship of Ontologies and Models

Coffee Break + Poster Session (16:45 - 17:30)

Session 3 (17:30 - 18:00)

  • Patrick Delfmann, Christian Janiesch, Ralf Knackstedt, Tobias Rieke, Stefan Seidel: Towards Tool Support for Configurative Reference Modeling - Experiences from a Meta Modeling Teaching Case

Workshop Dinner (19:30)

Friday, October 13, 2006

Session 4 (09:30 - 10:30)

  • Joerg Becker, Stefan Seidel, Daniel Pfeiffer, Christian Janiesch: Evolutionary Method Engineering - A Case Study in Meta Modeling
  • Denny Vrandecic, Johanna Voelker, Peter Haase, Thanh Tran Duc, Philipp Cimiano: A Metamodel for Annotations of Ontology Elements in OWL DL

Coffee Break (10:30 - 11:00)

Session 5 (11:00 - 11:50)

  • Jens Weller, Werner Esswein: Consequences of Meta-Model Modifications within Model Configuration Management
  • Carsten Bock: Meta-Modeling and Meta-CASE Tools - A Silver Bullet for Model-Driven HMI Development?

Final Discussion (11:50 - 12:30)

  • Closing words by York Sure, Chair of WoMM 2006