Collaborative Knowledge Construction

- The Challenge -

for the CKC2007 workshop at the WWW2007

April 16-30, 2007



Final Results


The tool descriptions on this page were provided by the tool developers.

BibSonomy Collaborative
DBin Hozo OntoWiki SOBOLEO

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The web-based social resource sharing system, BibSonomy, allows users to organize and share bookmarks and publications collaboratively. Users describe resources with arbitrary words, so-called *tags* which are also the basis to access the information.

Additionally, BibSonomy provides a binary relation between tags which allows users to show all posts with one of the subtags of a given tag.

By expressing all information as resources (URIs, BibTeX), tags or relations you can model your world. Tags can not only be used to describe topics but also names, places, events, ... Furthermore, the description field allows you to add plain text for more details.

Please follow the challenge instructions for BibSonomy.

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Collaborative Protégé  

Collaborative Protege

Collaborative Protégé is an extension of the existing Protégé system that supports collaborative ontology editing. In addition to the common ontology editing operations, it enables annotation of both ontology components and ontology changes. It supports the searching and filtering of user annotations based on different criteria. We have implemented two types of voting mechanisms that can be used for voting of change proposals. Multiple users may edit the same ontology at the same time. All the changes made by one user are seen immediately by other users.


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DBin is general purpose Semantic Web application that enables /power users/ (domain experts) to create "discussion groups" and "domain specific user interfaces" using which communities can annotate any subject of interest (from "papers/conference proceedings" as in our example to anything really). At low level, these annotations are expressed using the languages defined in the Semantic Web initiative (Namely RDF) and the exchanges happen in a P2P model. Domain specific semantic environments are called Brainlets and are created by power users using an XML based description language. Please follow the instructions on using DBin in the CKC challenge.

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dbin demo



Hozo is an ontology development tool with visualization of ontologies. It supports distributed construction of ontologies in which each ontology is revised asynchronously by different developers. In order to realize consistent distributed development of ontologies, Hozo provides two functionalities: to manage the dependencies between ontologies (to import concepts form other ontologies) and to keep and restore consistencies of ontologies when they are changed (to show the list of change and select accept or reject the change). It also support access control (lock / unlock) and version management of ontologies on the server.

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OntoWiki is a semantic collaboration platform implementing the Web 2.0 idea of an architecture of participation for the collaborative development of Semantic Web knowledge bases. To demonstrate the basic usage of OntoWiki, we have created a screencast tutorial and a special challenge page in our wiki.

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You can think of SOBOLEO as + Semantics. Its completely web-based, no installation required. Just login with any username and the password "www2007". SOBOLEO is a system for web-based collaborative engineering of SKOS ontologies and annotation of web resources. Users collaboratively create a taxonomy, use it to annotate web resources and use it as background knowledge during search. SOBOLEO has 4 main parts:

  • Edit: A collaborative real time editor for the taxonomy - this means you can see the changes other people do to the taxonomy in real time - its more fun to use it if you find someone else to edit at the same time. Please note that this is a taxonomy collaboratively edited by everyone.
  • Annotate: An annotation interface to add bookmarks to the index. You can drag the annotation button to your browsers bookmark panel to have it work as a bookmarklet. You can use concepts from the taxonomy and arbitrary tags to annotate web resources.
  • Home: A search engine that searches through the annotated web resources using the taxonomy as background knowledge.
  • Taxonomy: An interface to browse through the taxonomy and the annotated resources.

Please note that SOBOLEO uses an unusual notion of narrower/broader relations. In SOBOLEO "A is narrower than B" can be paraphrased as "every document about A is also about B" or, even more focused on search and retrieval: "every resource about A is of interest to someone looking for resources about B". For this reason it is encouraged to for example model the CEO of General Motor, Richard Wagner as narrower than GM - even though he is obviously not a subclass of General Motors; not a narrower concept in the traditional sense.

To use SOBOLEO, please make sure that you have JavaScript and Cookies enabled.

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