The Fourth International Workshop on

Contexts and Ontologies (C&O-2008)

hosted by the 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI-08
July 21, 2008 - Patras, Greece

Submission Instructions

Contributions to the workshop can be made in terms of technical papers or statements of interest. Technical papers should be not longer than 5 pages using the ECAI Style. Statements of interest should not exceed 2 pages and should be handled according to the guidelines for technical papers. Please make clear if your paper is meant to be a statement of interest. All contributions should be prepared in PDF format and should be submitted no later than April 10, 2008. There are two submission options:


Important Dates:

  • April 10, 2008 May 7, 2008:
    Deadline for the submission of papers and statements of interest.
  • May 10, 2008 May 27, 2008:
    Deadline for the notification of acceptance/rejection.
  • May 26, 2008 June 6, 2008:
    Workshop camera ready copy submission.
  • June 8, 2008:
    C&O'08 early registration deadline.
  • July 21, 2008:
    C&O-2008, .Patras, Greece

Contact Address:

Guilin Qi

AIFB Institute,

University of Karlsruhe, Germany

gqi [at] aifb [dot] uni-karlsruhe [dot] de