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How to participate

Visit http://challenge.semanticweb.org in order to participate and register for the Semantic Web Challenge by submitting the required information on the online registration form. The registration form will be open soon until September 15, 2003, 12 p.m. CET. The application will then be submitted online before September 30, 2003, 12 p.m. CET. The requirements of this entry are:
  1. Description: The description of the application will contain the details of the system including why the system is innovative, which features or functions the system provides, and why it is relevant to the challenge. Examples of its use must be provided and if the application includes the additional desires these should be mentioned.
  2. Accessibility via WWW: during the evaluation period, the application has to be accessible via Internet by the members of the jury.
  3. Documentation: The documentation must explain how to run the application for the use of the SWC advisory board.


The 2003 prizes are:
  1. Prize: 1.000 Euros for travel support and 250 Euros for Springer books
  2. Prize: 500 Euros for travel support and 250 Euros for Springer books
  3. Prize: 250 Euros for travel support and 250 Euros for Springer books
The winners who will also be asked to give a live demonstration of their application at the ISWC 2003.