SumPre 2016
ENSEC 2016


The Open Data and Semantic Web efforts have been promoting and facilitating the publication and integration of data from diverse sources, giving rise to a large and increasing volume of machine-readable data available on the Web. Even though such raw data and its ontological schema enable the interoperability among Web applications, problems arise when exposing them to human users, as to how to present such large-scale, structured data in a user-friendly manner. To meet the challenge, we invite research contributions on all aspects of ranking, summarization, visualization, and exploration of entities, ontologies, knowledge bases and Web Data, with a particular focus on their summarization and presentation. We also welcome submissions on novel applications of these techniques. The workshop is expected to be a forum that brings together researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry in the areas of Semantic Web, information retrieval, data engineering, and human-computer interaction, to discuss high-quality research and emerging applications, to exchange ideas and experience, and to identify new opportunities for collaboration.

Topics of Interest

Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Ranking and summarizing entities, ontologies, knowledge bases and Web data
    • Task and context-specific entity summarization
    • Summarization of graphs and knowledge bases
    • Ontology ranking, summarization, modularization, and search
    • Fact ranking, retrieval, and question answering over the Web
    • Evaluation of ranking and summarization methods
  2. Visualizing and exploring entities, ontologies, knowledge bases and Web data
    • Verbalizing and visualizing entity-centric data
    • Ontology visualization and exploration
    • Navigation, faceted browsing, and exploratory search
    • Entity/link/ontology recommendation
    • Novel presentation methods and interaction paradigms for ontologies and Web data
    • User studies with visualization and exploration methods
  3. Novel applications of the above techniques


The Proceedings of SumPre 2016 are published at


Session 1 (14:00 – 15:30)Session 2 (16:00 – 17:30)


Gong Cheng, Nanjing University, China
Kalpa Gunaratna, (Kno.e.sis) Wright State University, USA
Andreas Thalhammer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

Program Committee

Edward Curry - University College Dublin
Renaud Delbru - SindiceTech
André Freitas - University of Passau
Aidan Hogan - DCC, Universidad de Chile
Wei Hu - Nanjing University, China
Kouji Kozaki - I.S.I.R., Osaka University
Nelia Lasierra Beamonte - UMIT
Chengkai Li - University of Texas at Arlington
Heiko Paulheim - University of Mannheim
Thomas Rindflesch - National Library of Medicine
Harald Sack - HPI, University of Potsdam
Dezhao Song - Thomson Reuters
Thomas Steiner - Google
Marcin Sydow - PJIIT and ICS PAS, Warsaw
Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan - Wright State University
Haofen Wang - East China University of Science and Technology
Xiang Zhang - Southeast University

Previous Edition


12.06.2016 -- The Proceedings of SumPre 2016 are now published at CEUR-WS:

10.06.2016 -- The reference dataset and the submissions for ENSEC 2016 are now online.

Workshop day

May 30, 2016

The workshop was held in Anissaras (Greece) in conjunction with ESWC 2016.