knowledge markup and semantic annotation
K-CAP 2003 Workshop October 26, 2003 at Sanibel, Florida, USA
Program Objectives Topics Previous Events Organization Committee Program Committee Papers Dates


Capturing knowledge by using markup techniques and by supporting semantic annotations is a major technique for creating metadata. It is beneficial in a wide range of content-oriented intelligent applications.

One important Application for instance is the Semantic Web. The research about the WWW currently strives to augment syntactic information already present in the Web by semantic metadata in order to achieve a Semantic Web that human and Programsoftware agents can understand. Here, one of the most urgent challenges now is a knowledge-capturing problem, i.e. how one may turn existing syntactic resources into knowledge structures. A solution is to markup web document in order to create metadata on the web.

Another application is the indexing and searching of multimedia (and multilingual) data. It is difficult to completely process the content of multimedia data, even with technologies based on natural language processing, image processing, machine vision and speech recognition. Therefore, Semantic annotation is one of the promising methodologies to define semantic structures on the content.

The workshop intends to bring together researchers and practitioners from such research areas as the Semantic Web, knowledge acquisition, computational linguistics, document processing, terminology, information science, and multimedia content, among others, to discuss various aspects of knowledge markup and semantic annotation in an interdisciplinary way.

The proposed workshop continues the discussion started at the Workshop of Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation (SemAnnot2001), which was held at Victoria, B.C, Canada, October 21-23, 2001 as a wokshop of the 1st Intl. Conference on Knowledge Capture(K-Cap 2001).

Topics of Interest includes, but not limited to:

authoring/annotation tools
web page annotation
ontology-based markup
knowledge markup in the Semantic Web
using semantic annotations to define knowledge
tools for supporting knowledge markup
integrated software architecture based on semantic annotation
multimedia annotation (e.g. by using MPEG-7)
annotation of software components
linguistic aspects of semantic annotation
capturing knowledge through Information Extraction and NLP
text mining for creating knowledge markup
collaborative, shared annotation
evaluation of manual annotation
usage of annotations, e.g. learning resource metadata

Previous Events


Organization Committee


Siegfried Handschuh (AIFB)
Marja-Riitta Koivunen (W3C)
Rose Dieng-Kuntz (INRIA)
Steffen Staab (AIFB)

Program Committee


Ana Belen Benitez (Columbia University)
Paul Buitelaar (DFKI)
Philipp Cimiano (AIFB)
Olivier Corby (INRIA)
Grit Denker (SRI International)
Martin Frank (ISI)
Fabien Gandon (CMU)
Carole Goble (University of Manchester)
Yolanda Gil (ISI)
Harry N. Keeling  (Howard University)
Guenter Neumann (DFKI)
Sofia Pinto (Instituto Superior Tecnico)
Alun Preece (University of Aberdeen)
Guus Schreiber (Free University Amsterdam)
Sylvie Szulman (LIPN, University Paris-Nord)
Hideaki Takeda (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
Maria Vargas-Vera (Open University)
Martin Wolpers (Learning Lab Lower Saxony)



Practitioners and researchers interested in participating should submit either a full paper (less than 6000 words) or a position paper (less than 1500 words). Submit before July 21, 2003 in electronic form in pdf to:

Although not required for the initial submission, we recommend to follow the format guidlines of K-Cap 2001, as this will be the required format for accepted papers.



Submissions due: July 21th, 2003
Notification of acceptance: August 25th, 2003
Camera-ready copy deadline: September 15th, 2003
Workshop: October 25-26th, 2003 at K-Cap 2003

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Send comments and questions to

Siegfried Handschuh

Last modified:  Tue Sep 30 14:34:45 CEST 2003