BreXearch: Exploring Brexit Data Using Cross-Lingual and Cross-Media Semantic Search

Abstract: BreXearch is a cross-lingual and cross-media semantic search system that focuses on the Brexit use case. The system has collected a large dataset from various media sources (including online news sites, social media and live-TV) in three languages (i.e., English, German, and Spanish), which has been further semantically enriched with annotations of both entities and categories from DBpedia. The semantically enriched media data is stored in both a NoSQL database and a RDF triple store. Based on that, a user interface is available that allows users to search for different media channels using keyword queries or by means of entities and to ask complex questions regarding Brexit using SPARQL queries.


Online System:

  • BreXearch (Please note that the performance of the server is low.)


  • BreXearch: Exploring Brexit Data Using Cross-Lingual and Cross-Media Semantic Search [pdf]
    Lei Zhang, Maribel Acosta, Michael Färber, Steffen Thoma and Achim Rettinger
    International Semantic Web Conference 2017
  • BreXLiMe: A Semantically Enriched Brexit Dataset Using Cross-Lingual and Cross-Media Knowledge Extraction [pdf]
    Lei Zhang, Michael Färber, Steffen Thoma, Maribel Acosta and Achim Rettinger
    Technical Report, KIT, 2017